Have you ever tried to create a Facebook ad using an unpublished page post? When you finally got to the end and were ready to populate the ad fields, did you get lost in which field would go where?
I know I have. And what really sucks is you can’t edit an unpublished page post ad after you’ve created it. So, if you put the wrong content in the wrong box, you have to start all over again. Ugh.
An unpublished page post ad in Facebook is one of the most effective ways you can advertise on Facebook, yet during the process you can waste time and get frustrated.
In order to help solve this pain point, I want to share the following reference graphic for your Facebook marketing efforts. (I also created it for me!) Hopefully this will come in handy the next time you go generate that next awesome unpublished page post ad.
Share with others…we can’t be the only ones having this problem. (TWEET IT!)

Great info that I needed to know. I need to apply this in my work.
Thanks Tara! Do you run a lot of Facebook ads? How have your results been?