Something happened yesterday that could alter human history. I was dumbfounded and incredulous as I scrambled to respond to what was unfolding. This event is something that has never happened before, yet something that could lead to a complete and utter dismantling of how things are done. It could spell the end of an age old tradition and result in complete despair for an entire generation.
Ok, enough of the dramatics. You are probably wondering what the hell I’m talking about.
Yesterday was a snow day for kids in the Washington DC area. Of course the announcement the night before led to an eruption of joy, screaming, and a social media frenzy. Updates were posted on every social network and met with joyous responses from friends. It was a snow day! A day off! A day to hang out in the house in your pajamas, drink hot chocolate, and just relax.
Then it happened.
My oldest daughter, who is a junior in high school, alerted me to an email she received. She then stated the words that may ultimately knock Earth off its axis.
“Daddy, I need to get online at 3:30 for math.”
Those 10 simple words standing on their own are rather innocent. Yet, when taken together and in context, they are cataclysmic.
At 3:30 we started to go through the steps to “get online for math”. Once we finally conquered all the tasks required, the teacher was starting up the day’s lesson. School was out, but CLASS WAS IN!
So there my daughter sat, engaged in the class via the power of the virtual world. The teacher was writing on the screen and my daughter was furiously keeping notes. The teacher was asking questions and receiving answers via the chat window. CLASS WAS IN!
Think about the ramifications here folks. The sanctity of a snow day is no longer safe. The pure innocence and unabridged joy of escaping just one day from the scheduled daily grind was eroding with each passing minute on her laptop.
I’ve talked a lot about the beauty of online tools, the virtual environment, and how it can really transform education. However, with many things in life, anything good, can also have a bad side.
What happens when adults aren’t able to get into the office due to inclement weather? They typically work from home (WFH) and don’t miss a beat. In fact, WFH has become so commonplace that some employers are turning it into status quo. What happened yesterday means kids now have the ability to WFH. Oh the humanity!
What if this becomes the norm? What if instead of an announcement on the news stating school is closed, they say students are to WFH today following a normal schedule? Students will be expected to get online and attend class just as if they were physically at the school. Teachers would get online and lead a lesson from their home computer. No longer would kids (and teachers) look forward to these unique experiences. Snow days, my friends, would be gone forever!
I don’t think we have much of a choice either. This was just one class, one teacher. It will spread. In a few years, it will probably become the norm. The technology behind it will continue to improve and full video interaction will ultimately be implemented. The kids of the next generation are screwed.
Parents, take advantage now. Enjoy snow days with your kids like never before. They are soon to be gone forever.
I know what you’re saying, but it’s also really cool that the school does that. It shows they care about education. Also, more opportunities to embarrass your kids by walking around in underwear behind them!
Where my son lives in West Virginia, this wouldn’t be possible. Cause there are too many students that don’t have access to the internet since they live in the middle of nowhere. My son is one of the lucky ones since he has internet but they have no cell phone reception. Too hilly in parts in of WV. I don’t think the teachers would do it either.
I think you’re right… In fact, I think the future of education is headed in that direction! I think the fundamental classroom will become extinct.
Which, to me, will be a good thing, considering the mounting concerns for the increasing events of shootings, bullying,and just overall disrespect for authority in our schools! The system is unraveling! For the safety of our kids, it is time for a new system!!!