It’s Valentine’s Day and it’s all about that special someone in your life. A day to celebrate your love for each other and to give a gift (or a few) to show your love. While Valentine’s has always been focused on romantic love (it’s on wikipedia so it must be true), there is something as a parent that you must also do on this special day.
Don’t forget the kids!
Every Valentine’s I make sure I bring something home for my girls too. Even though the holiday isn’t really focused on them, it’s important to show your love for them as well. Plus, who doesn’t LOVE getting a box of chocolates? So, dads, this year when you are at the store the morning of February 14th (oh come on, you know you are right there with me), look around and pick up a couple of little gifts for those little gifts in your life. Pick up a small 10 piece heart box of candy, or a small stuffed animal. Let them know they are loved and this is a special day for them as well. You don’t want to hand over the goods to your wife only to look to your right and receive a death glare from the little one. Who knows, it will probably gain you brownie points with the spouse too! All good.
Of course this advice is given from the perspective of a dad with daughters. Let me hear how you fathers out there with sons handle this holiday. I’m sitting here thinking, would I give my son something on Valentine’s day? Maybe toss him a Hershey’s bar or a bag of Skittles?
Good luck and enjoy the day by celebrating with ALL the loves in your life!
We are celebrating my son’s birthday on Valentine’s Day this year so he will be getting lots of fun presents