When the biggest basketball player in the world, and arguably one of the most popular athletes in pro sports, posts something, it usually gets some legs. It was no different recently when the king of the court LeBron James posted a picture on his Instagram account dedicated to his “dad”.
I put “dad” in quotes as it is well known that LeBron James’ father was never involved in his life.
James took a moment to “thank” this man for NOT doing what most fathers should do…be present in their kids’ lives.
A lot of people hate on LeBron James but there is no denying he appears to be a great dad to his kids. Just take a look at this commercial for the Samsung Galaxy.
That is just one of many that I’ve seen that involve his kids. Obviously commercials are simply mechanisms to sell products and portray a particular view of something or someone in order to benefit the company behind the ad. With that understanding, I don’t think this is the case with LeBron and his commercials. They come across as completely genuine. These kids aren’t “acting” (ok, I’ve used quotes enough I think).
Perhaps he’s overcompensating for what he didn’t have when he was a kid. Maybe he wants to be the ultimate father since he didn’t have that. You often find people that grew up in alcoholic homes, swearing they “won’t be like that”, yet those same people follow the same destructive road. I think LeBron is reversing that path in his life and setting a strong foundation for his kids, that he didn’t have when he was growing up.
So where do you fall on this argument? I constantly preach to be completely engaged and present for your kids. I believe this is the most important trait every father must have. . To me, it is imperative that you are there for your kids. You have to be.
Sure you could make an argument that LeBron succeeded without his dad being there, but look at the dude. He’s a physical freak. I’m pretty sure if his dad was in his life he still would’ve been the dominant ball player he is today. Or, would he?
What do you think? Does it provide extra fuel like LeBron says, or would he have turned out the same regardless.
I do know that this provides a strong message to all those kids struggling right now without their dad in their life, and that is a good thing!
Great point, Jeff. As engaged Dads we seriously need to break the chain if our Dads perhaps weren’t the best. My dad is extremely quiet and simply didn’t know how to relate to me or my sister growing up. I have no recollection of my Dad ever throwing a ball with me or teaching me how to do anything. I went through a lot of years of an inner hurt and anger over it. I finally had to let it go and now enjoy a good relationship with my Dad today and he is a kind and gentle man. I don’t think it is what it could have been, though. I see guys doing stuff with their dads even as adults and I still don’t have that but I do have his love. So, I have chosen “to be present and fully engaged” in my 4 kid’s lives. It’s one of the hardest jobs in the world but also one of the most rewarding.
Thanks Dave! I completely agree with you. It’s amazing how many great dads now didn’t have that great relationship with their dad coming up. I’m hoping the people that did had great dads when they were kids are also being great to their kids now…haha.